Friday, April 15, 2011


As you said, peonies like full sun (6 hrs./day). Plant them in a place where you feel they will stay since they don't like to be disturbed or moved. When you water them do it deeply, i.e. a long time so the water gets to deep roots. A quick, short watering is not good for peonies. Fertilize them in the Spring with a 1-2-1 ratio such as 5-10-5. The first number is nitrogen which is for foliage health and color. the second number is for phosphorus which is good for the flower. The third number is for potassium and it's good for stem strength which is important for peonies.


  1. Thank you! I love this blog!!

  2. I told my friend, Jane about your blog. She wants to transplant her azaleas. They are BIG and they are beautiful! She desperately wants to save them. She will stop by and check it out.

  3. To keep your azaleas looking good fertilize them after the blooms fade and also in the fall. Use a 12-4-8 or 15-5-15 fertilizer. Also, any pruning should be done right after the blooms fade. If you do it before they bloom you will cut of the flower buds. Does Jane know what variety of azalea she has?
